
Showing posts from January, 2021


  26 year old woman with complaints of altered sensorium somce 1 day,headache since 8 days,fever and vomitings since 4 days More here: Case presentation  links: a). What is the problem representation of this patient and what is the anatomical localization for her current problem based on the clinical findings? problem: • headache 1 -2 times /week since 1 month and along with neck pain  • both hands small joint pain and later elbow and shoulder involved. she diagnosis as SLE •  she present to causality with altered sensorium and irrelavent talk  • history of vomittings and generalised weakness ,decreased appetite ,unable to walk  • history of low grade fever and joint pain  Anatomical location  : she has low grade fever,chronic headache along with neck pain and altered sensorium.....suggested may be problem in the 

24 year old with Amoebic dysentery with Iron Deficiency Anaemia

  A 24year old women  presented to our casuality at 10 :30 am on 21-11-20 with complaints of  Pain abdomen since 10 days  Vaginal discharge (curdy white)since 20 days   Low grade fever since 10 days  Vomting since 2 days  Loose stools with blood since 10 days  ( first 4-5days : 6-7 episode/ day  Past 5 days : 3-4 episodes : water in consistency ; mixed with frank blood ;no pain per rectum /no mass per rectum  H/o unable to pass  flatus +  Loose stools occur following food intake and pain abdomen  No h/o passage of worms  No h/o outside food intake  H/o non veg intake + ( 2 days prior to onset of diarrhoea )   HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS - c/o pain abdomen , colicky type in umbilicus , hypogastrium , left hypochondrium , left lumbar area . Intermittent type of pain ,  Nausea+  Loss of appetite +  Fatigue +  H/o fever - low grade @ night times  Vaginal discharge is curdy white, foul smelling,associated with itching. c/o vomiting since 2 days - 2 episodes/ day contains food  , no black vom

68 year female with hypertension urgency? steroid induced

A 68 year old female presented to ophthalmology opd with complaints of diminished vision since 6 months,diagnosed with right eye SMC admitted for cataract surgery referred to medicine opd in view of high bp recordings Bp 220/120 mm of hg No ℅ Headache vomitings dizziness  neck pain is present occasionally  No pedal edema  shortness of breath on exertion present  palpitations absent She is using dexamethasone  and acyclofenac for body pains as prescribed by RMP  not a known case of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, asthma ,epilepsy, CVA ,CAD Personal history: Diet :vegetarian diet appetite: normal Bladder and bowel :regular . Sleep:adequate.  addictions: none General Examination: Patient is conscious coherent and cooperative  No pallor ,icterus,cyanosis, clubbing, lymhadenopathy,edema Vitals: Temperature: Afebrile Pulse: 78bpm Respiratory rate: 19cpm Bp: 190/100 mm of hg Spo2: 98% at RA Systemic examination:  Cvs: S1 S2 heard no additional sounds or murmurs Rs: NVBS Abdomen: soft,non ten